Students Sitting On 法律n In Quad

在资本, 宗教 majors explore topics that include world religion, 宗教与文化, 和历史. Students develop an understanding of a variety of religions and learn how to discuss religion in meaningful ways. They are supported by dedicated, full-time faculty members who specialties include biblical literature, 女权主义思想, 土著宗教.


Explore Culture and 历史 Through 宗教


While many of 资本’s 宗教 students have an interest in 部 Studies, an equally strong group of students pursue the academic study of religion more generally, developing interests in world religions, 宗教与文学, 历史, 和神学. 资本 students often pursue a second major, 包括英国文学, 创意写作, 心理学, 业务, 艺术疗法. 宗教 faculty also administers the Pre-Seminary program at 资本, in which students from any major may work toward admission to seminary programs and employment in a wide range of professional ministry settings. Graduates are participating in ordained ministry nationally and internationally, and they're working in a wide variety of programs and occupations, demonstrating the value and flexibility of 资本’s religion program.

What can you do with a degree in this academic area?

  • Graduate school in Religious Studies, 哲学, or 部
  • 非营利组织管理
  • 公司经理
  • 牧师
  • 教堂的音乐家



三一 Lutheran Seminary at 威尼斯人平台 Founded


Faculty Advising from Start to Finish



With campus located just minutes from Columbus, students have the opportunity to network with professionals and work with local communities during their time at 资本. 宗教 graduates are accomplished critical thinkers and writers, work well independently and in teams, are flexible and able to think creatively, and are committed to lives of service. Students are well prepared for graduate school or seminary or to enter the job market immediately upon graduation.


As a 宗教 major, students develop:

  • An understanding of the nature of religion, 神圣的, and of major religious traditions, 包括基督教;
  • The ability to carry on disciplined, critical dialogue about varied understandings of religion and religious questions;
  • An understanding of how religion shapes and is shaped the social, 历史, and cultural contexts of which it is a part;
  • The ability to think critically and to articulate and defend their own ideas;
  • The ability to think creatively and to work both independently and as part of a community with common goals; and
  • The capacity to think critically about life and work in a way that honors their own abilities and needs and those of their community.
Youth 部 and Christian 教育 and Worship Ministries

The Youth Ministries and Christian 教育 and Worship Ministries degrees prepare students for service within congregations and other settings. The programs combine classroom learning with the hands-on practice of ministry. Students have the option to concentrate on one or both tracks. 资本 students begin with required 宗教 courses, 然后是一个顾问, they select classes in Youth 部 and Christian 教育 or Worship Ministries. 部 majors may choose a second major to develop a complementary interest like business or modern language.

三一 Lutheran Seminary at 威尼斯人平台

一个区域性的和普世的, inclusive seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), 三一 Lutheran Seminary at 威尼斯人平台 equips and forms faithful, 英明勇敢的领导者. Students explore faith, grow in knowledge, and participate in practical ministry training. 三一’s mission is to form leaders for Christ’s church at work in the world. 三一 is the proud home of Hamma Library, 两座美丽的小教堂, 大庭院, the Promise of Life Holocaust Remembrance Sculpture, 大型会议空间, and ample classrooms and offices.


  • 教会事工
  • 全球意识
  • 基督教的崇拜
  • 定量推理
  • 非裔美国人宗教
  • 对观福音书
“The academic study of religion is different than going to church. When speaking about faith, we preface that faith is the 'lens' we are looking through. This is really important because we have so many students of various faiths or religious traditions on campus. A college setting is good preparation for how to speak respectfully and to ask questions in a way that offers validity.”

-Moriah Reichert, 宗教, Class of 2019

Female Walking With A Cell Phone


Male And Female Standing In Front Of Mees


Students Standing Around Gate

